
Our Services


Body Treatment

: Professional massage for specific areas of pain or concerns in the body. We can develop a plan to ensure proper and pain free function of the body.

This treatment is the best for conditions such as : joint sprains, muscle strains or pulls, tight muscles, aching muscles, limited movement, headaches, jaw pain, back pain including disc injuries, neck pain, shoulder injuries and many more.

Our remedial massage techniques utilise deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, active release techniques (ART), PNF stretching, Active Isolated Stretching (AIS).

:Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy using glass or silicone cups, creating a vacuum effect that lifts up underlying tissues such as the fascia ( connective tissue ) and muscles, blood and other fluid, close to the surface of the skin.

Myofascial Cupping uses cups specifically used for ‘dragging’ or ‘gliding’. A special massage oil is placed on the skin first and the cups are gently moved across the skin, usually along meridians or fascia / muscle planes.

: Trigger point therapy involves using pressure and release techniques to deactivate sensitive points in muscle fibres.

Trigger points are Sensitive areas of tight muscle fibers can form in your muscles after injuries or overuse.
To treat trigger points and their referred pain, it is necessary to apply pressure to the trigger point to break the cycles of spasm and pain, allowing the muscle to relax and heal.

Our therapists can identify and release many trigger points in your body and leave you feeling pain free and alive.

: Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds all muscles in our body. If the fascia becomes restricted – from overuse, inactivity, infection or trauma – the muscle will end up with less blood flow, being tight and painful.

Myofascial release is used to stretch the fascia and bring the muscles to their normal functionality and mobility, by applying gentle pressure on the restricted spot. It is a very soothing and effective technique, and has helped many people with acute and chronic conditions.

: Sports massage is designed ti help athletes before, during and after training. It helps to increase flexibility, prevent injuries and reduce recovery time after a sports injury.

We recommend having a sports massage once a week if you exercise including going to the gym, running and playing sports multiple times a week. You can have a sports massage before and after the event.

: It is an ideal treatment for general aches and pain, for maintenance of soft tissue health and common life’s discomfort.

Deep tissue massage can be administered as a full body massage, rather than focusing on a specific area of the body.

: Are you suffering from TMJ(temporomandibular joint) problems such as a tense jaw, headaches and clicking?

TMJ release therapy is the perfect treatment for reducing the pain and releasing the tension in the jaw muscles.

By getting TMJ release therapy, you may be able to lessen pain and ease the symptoms.

Are you struggling with:
– Stiffness, aches and limited movement
– Stress, anxiety and tension
– Headaches and migraines
– Sporting or repetitive strain injuries
– Experiencing pain for months or years

Find us

Come to Good Morning Clinic

Where people can relieve pain and boost your mood with powerful relaxation.

T. 0411 367 273

E. hornsbyclinic@gmail.com

A. Suite 4, 143 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby NSW 2077

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